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Interzum 2017 – inovaţii pentru industria mobilei

Târgul interzum 2017 promite să doboare noi recorduri în materie de participare, suprafață și vizitatori. Aici se stabilesc trendurile anului în ce priveşte componentele şi accesoriile care conferă funcţionalitate şi detalii estetice pieselor de mobilă.

Andreea Chiru  |  15 Mai 2017

Tot ce vrei și ce nu vrei găsești la târgul interzum ce se desfășoară an de an în Germania, la Köln. Este un eveniment dedicat materialelor, componentelor semifinite şi a accesoriilor care intră în structura pieselor de mobilier (plus scule, maşini, utilaje şi instalaţii necesare în fabricile de mobilă). Organizatorii Kölnnmesse a anunțat pentru ediția din 2017 aproape 2000 de expozanți din întreaga lume (150 de state vor fi reprezentate anul acesta la târg). Dintre aceștia, 500 de expozanți vor participa în premieră la interzum. Suprafața s-a adaptat acestei situații – 185.000 metri pătrați.

Perioada de desfășurare pentru interzum 2017 este 16 mai – 19 mai, iar vizitatorii sunt sfătuiți să își rezerve cel puțin două-trei zile pentru a putea vedea suficient de multe standuri încât să descopere inovaţiile cu care companii ca Blum, Salice, Hailo, Setex, Homapal, Stalmot, Samet şi multe altele vin în întâmpinarea specialiştilor. Interzum se adresează tuturor celor implicați în construirea de interioare, producţia de mobilier şi decoraţiuni, pornind de la materiale de bază și ajungând până la servicii, software sau concepte inedite. În același timp, târgul este o sursă de inspirație pe parte tehnică pentru artiștii domeniului interioarelor – arhitecți și designeri. Categoriile de interes sunt: materiale, componente și textile.

Dincolo de partea expozițională, interzum 2017 se anunță cel puțin la fel de interesant în ce privește evenimentele conexe – conferințe, competiții, workshop-uri etc. Anul acesta, tematica principală a evenimentelor conexe este curentul upcycling care a luat deja cu asalt industria mobilei pe plan internațional.




interzum 2017 set to impress with a stunning programme of eventsIn addition to the exhibitors' innovations, the large number of events during the trade fair are a good reason to spend several days in Cologne.As the leading international trade fair, interzum has established a prime position for itself in interior construction and furniture production. Its three segments enable visitors to discover all the innovations and trends that will define tomorrow's interior design. To make the days of the trade fair from 16 to 19 May 2017 in Cologne absolutely perfect, an outstanding and varied programme of events complements the fair. From stimulating congresses and creative workshops to award ceremonies and informative special events, there is something for everyone's taste. interzum is set to be an exceptional trade fair experience. One of the highlights is the opening ceremony on 15 May 2017, where the prestigious interzum awards will be presented.As they do every year, visitors in Cologne expect an excellent programme of events during interzum. The wide-ranging programme starts even before the official opening of the trade fair: an event that is not to be missed is the Sixth Innovation Workshop for Wood-Based Materials, which is the ideal opportunity to discover the latest product innovations and discuss them with industry insiders in the following plenary discussion, and to engage in continuing professional development. The workshop, which takes place on Monday, 15 May 2017, is organised by the Association of the German Wood-Based Panel Industry (VHI) in close collaboration with the Institute for Wood Technology Dresden (ihd) and the Fraunhofer Institute for Wood Research (WKI).A reception will be hosted the same evening on the Rhine Terraces, where international suppliers to the furniture production and interior construction industries are invited to enjoy refreshing drinks and delicious food, and to toast the opening of interzum. The prize-giving ceremony for the interzum award: intelligent material & design 2017 will also be held during the opening ceremony. The awards are organised by Koelnmesse in collaboration with Red Dot and are exclusively reserved for interzum exhibitors. Awarded by a jury of experts, the prizes recognise the best products by the international furniture supplier industry and honour the creative achievements of ambitious design.Innovation and cooperation are the key themes for the opening day of interzum. At the VDID Industrial Design Day 2017, experts from the fields of architecture, psychology, materials development, technology, industrial design and marketing will present their work at a conference. Following the event, guests are invited to join a discussion. The highlight of the day will be the prize-giving ceremony for the Eighth VDID Newcomers' Award. The prize is aimed at all students and graduates of product design and industrial design, who were invited to submit their work.A must-attend event is the Upcycling and Sustainable Materials Cycle congress, which takes place on 18 May 2017 from 10:00 a.m. in the lecture area of the innovation of interior Piazza. In order to improve the reuse of raw materials, companies should integrate recycling processes into their production. Upcycling goes beyond simply reusing materials and transforms them into high-quality materials. Dr. Sascha Peters and industry experts will provide insights into this trend and discuss how recycling and upcycling can be promoted at the congress. The special Circular Thinking event area is the perfect complement to the congress and will present a range of examples and new ideas for sustainable material cycles.It is not just the events with their interesting and informative contributions that are set to attract visitors to this year's interzum. Many of the special event areas will offer all trade fair visitors a comprehensive overview of very different issues. "I'm absolutely delighted to be able to present an exciting trade fair to all our international visitors. Its attraction is in no small part due to its programme of events," says Arne Petersen, Vice President Trade Fair Management. "The special exhibitions on the Piazzas act as platforms for inspiration and exchanges, and the congresses are special highlights. They explore exceptionally exciting ideas in greater depth and give attendees a preview of tomorrow's solutions."The overview of the complete programme of events and the event search, which quickly and clearly provides all the key information, can be found at: www.interzum.com